Saturday, February 27, 2010

Teaching things that matter.


What is the next generation going to be like? I DON’T KNOW

How do we get our kids prepared for that? I ONLY HAVE  A FEW IDEAS.


Going back to forming strong relationships and time spent around people than around objects. This is going to require a big-shift for teachers to move from ‘What did u do?’ to ‘Who were you with?’ and the ‘simplicity of being’. De-emphasizing the whole ‘ what was so exciting last week’ . Comparison is another thing that needs to go – after all ‘all five fingers are not the same’. Let’s nurture the uniqueness.


A world that is visibly getting into a condition that will soon become un-livable. And we are pushing it there. Can consciousness about how we spend our time and the effect it has on then environment be spread. Eg – the more time we spend with nature and people in a natural environment the less time we spend at ‘energy consuming malls etc’ taking lessons from our European friends where shopping malls close at 8pm. Let not the Mind lead you into excuses about how ours is a different generation :)


Yes we are….in our own little ways. The starting point being a state of ‘I don’t know and I’m/We’re gonna find out’ . Can teachers lead from the front in this and inspire their students to follow suite. This will lead to a collaborative learning environment where the interests of the group are encouraged. Brainstorming for topics could be the starting point.


Encouraging the development of awareness of the fullness of our being – body,mind and heart. A Balanced approach to life and being and the relationship it has to society i.e Healthy Human Beings with a Healthy Lifestyle. Nurturing the heart and mind will also lead to an outreaching to all of humanity in our own ways. Good will arise. The possibilities combined with creativity are immense.


The importance of the present moment in which all of the above mentioned things occur. Acceptance of WHAT IS and out of that ACCEPTANCE – taking appropriate and necessary action. Empowering our kids to appreciate what they have and where they are and laying the foundation for a life that is BALANCED, CREATIVE,CARING and LOVING.

This is the responsibility we each have,AFTER ALL WE ARE ALL TEACHERS. Be Creative – See how this applies to what u teach.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Everything Leads to NOW


In recent times, I have noticed that there is a tendency in life that in some way or another….everything leads to NOW.

Whether they be peak moments or ‘down’ moments all happen in the NOW. Although there may be a build up to them, everything happens NOW and then it is over. We have a tendency to want to HOLD ON to those moments which can then become disruptive of the smooth FLOW OF LIFE.

If we observe our own lives we can SEE this. Watch your own life for moments when you were at your best and you will notice the NOW factor. Your whole ATTENTION was in what you were doing. Wasn’t it? Wasn’t the QUALITY of what you did EXTRA-ORDINARY? I mean by your own standards…don’t wait to measure it against others.  

Me thinks I will tune in to NOW and pay ATTENTION.