Arrived in Mumbai to the Monsoon Rains....and its chaotically beautiful :)
A very old car (Ambassador) masquerading as a 'Cool Cab'. The owner just fitted aircon in it :) The taxi driver gave me a quick lesson in administering the country (improve education,cut crime,promote good ) through changes in the 'Reservation based on Class' System. I agree too much reservation can promote desperation (those that do well but don't get opportunity due to the system). Its an Indian thing but what amazed me was his clarity of thought....Amazing.
My mum watching 'Indian Soap Opera's . So I get the lowdown on drama. Excellent 'sexy' outfits. Open Backs....and not bony. Hahaha.
Evening trip to refill my mobile resulted in a meeting with a school teacher...who was happy with just two minutes of talk on the road....yes we stop on the road and have conversations. Everyone talks to you...the person at the refill shop asks about my mom...she has even visited my mom at home. WOW!!!
On the way back I stop for my 'FAVOURITES' (Renee this is for you) - Roasted Corn on a rainy day,Samosas ....sheer delight.
Oh and finally.....a Neighbour got stuck outside their house and I was summoned to 'KICK OPEN THE DOOR' which was having a problem with the lock. That was hillarious...I was one point my mum showed up and was like 'Let me try' . Everyone thought she was going to kick.....She quickly pointed out she was only there to try to turn the key.....hahaha. Relief!!!! Luckily the door opened after a few kicks...Love it.