Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Leadership in the Moment


Everything that we ever learn when it comes to the time we spend at work on our job contributes to our experience ‘in the moment’ . All decisions that we make are made ‘at a moment’ . We may spend hours deliberating and then comes the ‘moment’ of decision. It all comes down to what happens within that ‘moment’ and subsequent moments.

Leadership is ‘moment by moment’  - strategizing,executing, planning, taking feedback,trusting,nurturing and much more. Its the quality of ATTENTION that we bring to those moments that determines the kind of leader that we will be and be remembered for .

Lets ALLOW our MOMENTS to count/make a difference. Let’s bring in SPACE (the pause)

I love the slogan that my ex-chairman made as a corporate slogan

“Every Satyamite is a Leader” ….I would like to believe  “every HUMAN BEING is a leader” in some way or another.

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